Pelmuraali 2016 a Commissioned work by the City of Riihimäki, Peltosaari-project and Kulttuuriviritys-Projekti in order to create a community focused large scale - 20.5 x 3.5 metre out door wall art work.
The projects focuses were on; participation in the suburbs and exploring different ways to activate the sometimes passive citizens of Peltosaari with the help of socially engaged art projects and activities, culminating in the production and realisation of a collaborative art work to be unveiled in late April 2016.
Particular emphasis was made in the need to engage and involve as many of the residents of Peltosaari in the planning and making of the final work. Within these parameters my own goal was to collectively produce a work using the arts to bring together the various communities of Peltosaari from across geographical, ethnic, generational divides.
The project was divided into 4 key stages - Planning and Development - Preparation of materials - A series of artist-led workshops - Realisation of final art work.